1. 機管局的諮詢過程並不中立,動用龐大的資源刊登廣告,推介第三跑道,我們表示相當遺憾。機管局甚至擅自更改漁護署所發表的白海豚分佈圖,刻意淡化對白海豚的影響,這實在難以接受。2. 第三條跑道的填海範圍達650個足球場面積,若落實將永久失去這片海洋面積。鯨豚專家洪家耀博士指出,第三條跑道填海範圍是白海豚來往三個核心區域的交匯點,對於白海豚相當重要。機管局就算用較環保的填海方法,都只是小修小補。
3. 航空業是污染性行業,在飛行期間大量排放二氧化碳及空氣污染物,而航空業佔本港溫室氣體排放約4 %。由於二氧化碳是在高空排放,對於溫室效應的增溫效果比在地面大。可惜,機管局諮詢文件對於增加的碳排放隻字不提。
4. 大嶼山以北及屯門現時已有發電廠等污染性設施,規劃中的還包括港珠澳大橋、垃圾焚化爐、東涌擴展區填海、港深機場鐵路等等。我們認為這些基建過度集中,累積的填海面積過大及嚴重加劇空氣污染。
5. 我們要強調,興建第三條跑道除環保問題外,還涉及空域限制、噪音、造價、需求估算、飛機升降系統、珠三角機場合作事宜,實在需要社會更多討論及驗證,政府及機管局不能貿然作出1362億的決定,以免製造另一隻「基建大白象」。
(1) 不能再淡化對環境影響,必須正視及承認第三條跑道對環境影響巨大
(2) 交待更多有關對環境、公眾健康及生態影響的數據,並延長諮詢期
(3) 宣傳及諮詢時應更持平,不可對第三跑道傾斜及過份側重經濟的討論
(4) 不可在法定環評程序才處理環保問題
為使公眾更了解第三條跑道對環境的影響,我們特設以下網站 ,以讓大家更了解環保團體的立場及論據
Green Groups Joint Statement
Urging Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) to acknowledge
the environmental impact of the third runway project
Urging Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) to acknowledge
the environmental impact of the third runway project
Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) recently announced the Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030 (Master Plan 2030), where two options were proposed. Option 1 is to maintain the existing two-runway system, and Option 2 is to expand into a three-runway system. Green Groups including the Conservancy Association, GreenPeace, Green Sense, Friends of the Earth (HK), Clean Air Network, Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society (HKDCS) and Greeners Action have jointly declared:
We are disappointed with AAHK’s lack of neutrality during its public consultation. A large amount of resources were used to promote the need for the third runway. We find it unacceptable that the AAHK deliberately trivializes the impact of the third runway on Chinese White Dolphins by altering the distribution map of Chinese White Dolphins published by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department without authorization.
A large part of the Hong Kong ocean would be permanently gone if the proposal were carried out, since the three-runway system would require about 650 hectares of land reclamation. Dolphin expert, Dr. Samuel Hung, pointed out that the proposed third runway is located at the intersection of three core areas visited by dolphins which is very important to them. The proposed adoption of environmentally-friendly reclamation methods is not going to help much when such great damage is done to the marine ecology.
The aviation industry is a polluting industry which emits large amounts of carbon dioxide and air pollutants as part of its operation. The industry accounts for around 4% of Hong Kong’s total carbon emissions. For carbon dioxide that is emitted at high altitudes, the resultant greenhouse effect caused is much greater than that emitted at ground level. However, AAHK spared no paragraphs on explaining the projected increase in carbon emissions in the consultation documents.
Polluting facilities like power plants already exist in North Lantau and Tuen Mun. More projects are being planned in the area as well, such as the HK-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, waste incinerators, Tung Chung Extension Reclamation, Hong Kong-Shenzhen Airport Railway etc. We believe that these infrastructure projects are over-concentrated, and the total reclamation will take up an extremely large footprint and will seriously worsen air pollution.
We stress that building the third runway requires much more discussion and research as it not only involves environmental issues but also issues on airspace constraints, noise pollution, construction cost, demand forecast, cooperation with Pearl River Delta airports etc. To avoid wasting 136.3 billion of taxpayers’ money, the Government and AAHK should not make a hasty decision which may create a “Big white elephant”.
Green Groups call on the AAHK to:
- Stop trivializing the environmental impact of the third runway. Face and admit the enormous impact the third runway has on the environment
- Extend the public consultation period and present more relevant data on impacts on the environment, public health and ecology
- Maintain neutrality when promoting and consulting the public on the proposal. Avoid over-emphasizing the economic impact/benefits of the third runway
- Handle environmental issues properly even before the mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) process
To enhance public understanding on the environmental impact of the third runway, the following website has been set up to explain the stance and arguments of green groups.