Against the Third Runway, 
Making Representation on the Plan!


The decision of the Chief Executive and the Executive Council building the Third Runway is unwise and unprofessional. Problems of insufficient airspace in Pearl River Delta and the cost on the environment are ignored. The Third Runway is a fraud and will doom $141.5 Billion.

The Express Rail Link has already overspent and we must stop the Third Runway this time. The Town Planning Broad and Lands Department are now inviting public comments for the project and we have a chance to speak up and criticize the Third Runway through making representation in the public consultation period.

Click here to view the Town Planning Board Meeting notice.

What to do?

If you have expressed your view on CHEK LAP KOK OUTLINE ZONING PLAN NO. S/I-CLK/13, you should have received the notification of the meeting schedule and arrangement for the above meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting as schedule, you may appoint authorized representatives. Please contact or Tel: 8100 4877 

